Source code for lammps_interface.InputHandler

#!/usr/bin/env python
Argument parser for command line interface.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os
import subprocess

[docs]def git_revision_hash(): wrk_dir = os.getcwd() try: src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(src_dir) rev_no = len(subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-list', 'HEAD'], universal_newlines=True).strip().split("\n")) commit = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'], universal_newlines=True).strip() except: # catchall in case the code is downloaded via a zip file rev_no = 1.0 commit = "abcdefghijklmnop" finally: os.chdir(wrk_dir) return (rev_no, commit)
rev_no, commit = git_revision_hash() __version_info__ = (0, 0, rev_no, "%s"%commit) __version__ = "%i.%i.%i.%s"%__version_info__
[docs]class Options(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): #print("Lammps_interface version: %s"%__version__) self.run_command_line_options()
[docs] def run_command_line_options(self): parser = ArgumentParser(description="LAMMPS interface :D", prog="lammps_interface") parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s version "+__version__) parser.add_argument("-o", "--outputcif", action="store_true", dest="output_cif", help="Write a .cif file for visualization."+ " Necessary for debugging purposes, this"+ " file can show the user how the structure "+ "has been interpreted by the program.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--outputpdb", action="store_true", dest="output_pdb", help="Write a .pdb file for visualization."+ " Necessary for debugging purposes, this"+ " file can show the user how the structure "+ "has been interpreted by the program. NB: currently "+ "deletes bonds that cross a periodic boundary so, for "+ "visualization purposes ONLY!!!!!") parser.add_argument("-or", "--outputraspa", action="store_true", dest="output_raspa", help="Write a .cif file for RASPA (FF types in _atom_site_label)"+ " Write pseudo_atoms.def file for this MOF"+ " Write force_field_mixing_rules.def file for this MOF"+ " Write force_field.def file for this MOF") #split the command line options into separate groups for nicer #visualization. force_field_group = parser.add_argument_group("Force Field options") force_field_group.add_argument("-ff", "--force_field", action="store", type=str, dest="force_field", default="UFF", help="Enter the requested force "+ "field to describe the system. Current "+ "options are 'BTW_FF', 'Dreiding', 'UFF', "+ "'UFF4MOF', and 'Dubbeldam'."+ " The default is set to the Universal "+ "Force Field [UFF].") force_field_group.add_argument("--molecule-ff", action="store", dest="mol_ff", default=None, help="Chose a force field for any molecules "+ "found in the structure. This is applies a 'blanket' "+ "to all found molecules, so exercise with caution. Future "+ "iterations will consider an input file to differentiate "+ "force fields between different molecules. Default is the "+ "same force field requested for the framework (assumes some "+ "generalized FF like UFF or Dreiding).") force_field_group.add_argument("--h-bonding", action="store_true", dest="h_bonding", default=False, help="Add hydrogen bonding potentials "+ "to the force field characterization."+ " Currently only applies to Dreiding. "+ "Default is off.") force_field_group.add_argument("--dreid-bond-type", action="store", dest="dreid_bond_type", type=str, default="harmonic", help="Request the Morse bond potential "+ "for the Dreiding force field. Default" + " is harmonic.") force_field_group.add_argument("--fix-metal", action="store_true", dest="fix_metal", default=False, help="Fix the metal geometries with "+ "modified potentials to match their "+ "input geometries. The potential isn't set "+ "to be overly rigid so that the material "+ "will behave physically in finite temperature "+ "calculations, however it may introduce some "+ "unintended artifacts so exercise with caution. "+ "Useful for structure minimizations. Currently only "+ "applies to UFF and Dreiding Force Fields. Default is "+ "off.") simulation_group = parser.add_argument_group("Simulation options") simulation_group.add_argument("--minimize", action="store_true", dest="minimize", default=False, help="Request input files necessary for" + " a geometry optimization. Default off") simulation_group.add_argument("--bulk-moduli", action="store_true", dest="bulk_moduli", default=False, help="Request input files necessary for" + " an energy vs volume calculation. This will use "+ "values from ITER_COUNT and MAX_DEV to create "+ "the volume range") simulation_group.add_argument("--thermal-scaling", action="store_true", dest="thermal_scaling", default=False, help="Request input files necessary for" + " a temperature scaling calculation. This will use "+ "values from ITER_COUNT and MAX_DEV to create "+ "the temperature range") simulation_group.add_argument("--npt", action="store_true", dest="npt", default=False, help="Request input files necessary for" + " an isothermal-isobaric simulation. This will use "+ "values from TEMP and PRESSURE, NEQSTP, and NPRODSTP to "+ "produce the input file.") simulation_group.add_argument("--nvt", action="store_true", dest="nvt", default=False, help="Request input files necessary for" + " an canonical simulation. This will use "+ "values from TEMP, NEQSTP, and NPRODSTP to "+ "produce the input file. Equilibration with a "+ "Langevin thermostat, Production with Nose-Hoover.") simulation_group.add_argument("--cutoff", action="store", type=float, dest="cutoff", default=12.5, help="Set the long-range cutoff "+ "to this value in Angstroms." + " This will determine the size of "+ "the supercell computed for the simulation. "+ "Default is 12.5 angstroms.") simulation_group.add_argument("--replication", action="store", type=str, dest="replication", default=None, help="Manually specify the replications to form the supercell "+ "Use comma, space or 'x' delimited values for the a,b,c directions." + " This is useful when dealing with flexible materials " + "where you know that structural collapse will result in " + "the box decreasing past 2*rcut") simulation_group.add_argument("-O","--orthogonalize", action="store_true", default=False, dest="orthogonalize", help="Makes a supercell of the simulation box with more-or-less "+ "orthogonal supercell vectors. This is an approximation, but is "+ "useful for certain calculations. Default is FALSE.") simulation_group.add_argument("--randomize-velocities", action="store_true", default=False, dest="random_vel", help="Adds a velocity randomization of the atoms "+ "prior to finite temperature simulation. The velocities are "+ "randomized to TEMP.") simulation_group.add_argument("--dcd", action="store", default=0, type=int, dest="dump_dcd", help="Store trajectory of simulation in a "+ "dcd format every DUMP_DCD steps. Default is no trajectory "+ "file will be written.") simulation_group.add_argument("--xyz", action="store", default=0, type=int, dest="dump_xyz", help="Store trajectory of simulation in a "+ "xyz format every DUMP_XYZ steps. If not requested, then no trajectory "+ "file will be written.") simulation_group.add_argument("--lammpstrj", action="store", default=0, type=int, dest="dump_lammpstrj", help="Store trajectory of simulation in a "+ "lammpstrj format every DUMP_LAMMPSTRJ" + " steps. If not requested, then no trajectory "+ "file will be written.") simulation_group.add_argument("--restart", action="store_true", default=False, dest="restart", help="Store last snapshot of trajectory of simulation in "+ "lammps traj file format. index of last step RESTART = NEQSTP + NPRODSTP. "+ "If NEQSTP and NPRODSTP are not specified, then RESTART=1") parameter_group = parser.add_argument_group("Parameter options") parameter_group.add_argument("-t", "--tolerance", action="store", type=float, default=0.4, dest="tol", help="Tolerance in angstroms to determine "+ "detection of inorganic clusters. " + "Default is 0.4 angstroms.") parameter_group.add_argument("--neighbour-size", "--neighbor-size", action="store", type=int, default=5, dest="neighbour_size", help="To find SBUs in the framework via "+ "pattern recognition. This parameter "+ "determines how large a subset of atoms "+ "to search around each central atom in the framework. "+ "Central atoms are typically considered the "+ "metal species for inorganic SBUs or carbon/nitrogen "+ "for organic SBUs. This parameter will collect all "+ "atoms within NEIGHBOUR_SIZE bonds from the central atom. "+ "Default is 5.") parameter_group.add_argument("--iter-count", action="store", type=int, default=10, dest="iter_count", help="Number of iteration steps to "+ "change a variable of interest (temperature, volume). "+ "Default is 10 steps.") parameter_group.add_argument("--max-deviation", action="store", type=float, default=0.01, dest="max_dev", help="Max deviation of adjusted variable "+ "at each step is scaled by MAX_DEV/ITER_COUNT. "+ "Default is 0.01 (ideal for volume).") parameter_group.add_argument("--temperature", action="store", type=float, default=298.0, dest="temp", help="Simulation temperature. This parameter is used "+ "only if NPT or NVT are True. "+ "Default is 298.0 Kelvin.") parameter_group.add_argument("--pressure", action="store", type=float, default=1.0, dest="pressure", help="Simulation pressure. This parameter is used "+ "only if NPT is True. "+ "Default is 1.0 atmosphere.") parameter_group.add_argument("--production-steps", action="store", type=int, default=200000, dest="nprodstp", help="Number of production steps in the simulation. "+ "Applies to NPT and THERMAL_SCALING simulations. " + "Default is 200,000 steps. (corresponding to "+ "200 ps if the timestep is 1 fs)") parameter_group.add_argument("--equilibration-steps", action="store", type=int, default=200000, dest="neqstp", help="Number of equilibration steps in the simulation. "+ "Applies to NPT and THERMAL_SCALING simulations. " + "Default is 200,000 steps. (corresponding to "+ "200 ps if the timestep is 1 fs)") molecule_insertion_group = parser.add_argument_group("Molecule insertion options") molecule_insertion_group.add_argument("--insert-molecule", action="store", type=str, default="", dest="insert_molecule", help="Prepeare an insertion of this molecule type."+ " Default is no molecule insertion. Current options are "+ "TIP5P_Water, TIP4P_Water, SPC_E, TIP3P."+ " More to come ;)") molecule_insertion_group.add_argument("--deposit", action="store", type=int, default=0, dest="deposit", help="Create commands to place DEPOSIT particles "+ "in the region of the unit cell. The particle "+ "types are provided by the INSERT_MOLECULE value."+ " This will also depend on the number of "+ "equilibrium steps NEQSTP requested, and "+ "currently only works with an NVT simulation."+ " NOTE: The number of particles to deposit "+ "is considered in the unit cell! The program "+ "will multipy this value by the number of unit "+ "cells that were needed to produce the simulation "+ "supercell.") parser.add_argument(metavar="CIF", dest="cif_file", help="path to cif file to interpret") args = vars(parser.parse_args()) self._set_attr(args)
[docs] def _set_attr(self, args): for key, value in args.items(): setattr(self, key, value)