Source code for lammps_interface.structure_data

#/usr/bin/env python
Molecular graph and structure io methods.
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
import math
import shlex
import re
from .CIFIO import CIF, get_time
from .atomic import METALS, MASS, COVALENT_RADII
from copy import copy
from .mof_sbus import InorganicCluster, OrganicCluster
from copy import deepcopy
import itertools
import os
import sys
from .generic_raspa import GENERIC_FF_MIXING_FOOTER
from .uff import UFF_DATA
import networkx as nx
import operator

    import networkx as nx
    from networkx.algorithms import approximation

except ImportError:
    print("Warning: could not load networkx module, this is needed to produce the lammps data file.")
from collections import OrderedDict
from .atomic import organic, non_metals, noble_gases, metalloids, lanthanides, actinides, transition_metals
from .atomic import alkali, alkaline_earth, main_group, metals
from .ccdc import CCDC_BOND_ORDERS

DEG2RAD = np.pi / 180.

[docs]class MolecularGraph(nx.Graph): """Contains all information relating a structure file to a fully described classical system. Important specific arguments for atomic nodes: - mass - force_field_type - charge - cartesian_coordinates - description {contains all information about electronic environment to make a decision on the final force_field_type} - hybridization [sp3, sp2, sp, aromatic] Important arguments for bond edges: - weight = 1 - length - image_flag - force_field_type """ node_dict_factory = OrderedDict
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """MolecularGraph constructor.""" nx.Graph.__init__(self, **kwargs) # coordinates and distances will be kept in a matrix because # networkx edge and node lookup is slow. try: = kwargs['name'] except KeyError: = 'default' self.coordinates = None self.distance_matrix = None self.original_size = 0 self.molecule_id = 444 self.inorganic_sbus = {} self.find_metal_sbus = False self.organic_sbus = {} self.find_organic_sbus = False self.cell = None self.rigid = False #TODO(pboyd): networkx edges do not store the nodes in order! # Have to keep a dictionary lookup to make sure the nodes # are referenced properly (particularly across periodic images) self.sorted_edge_dict = {} self.molecule_images = []
[docs] def nodes_iter2(self, data=True): #FIXME(pboyd): latest version of NetworkX has removed nodes_iter... """Oh man, fixing to networkx 2.0 This probably breaks a lot of stuff in the code. THANKS NETWORKX!!!!!!!1 Extensive testing under way... """ for node in self.nodes(): if(data): data = self.node[node] yield (node, data) else: yield node
[docs] def edges_iter2(self, data=True): for (n1,n2) in self.edges(): v1,v2 = self.sorted_edge_dict[(n1,n2)] #d=self.edges[(n1,n2)] d=self[n1][n2] if(data): yield (v1,v2,d) else: yield (v1,v2)
#for n1, n2, d in self.edges_iter(**kwargs): # yield (self.sorted_edge_dict[(n1, n2)][0], self.sorted_edge_dict[(n1,n2)][1], d)
[docs] def count_dihedrals(self): count = 0 for n1, n2, data in self.edges_iter2(data=True): try: for dihed in data['dihedrals'].keys(): count += 1 except KeyError: pass return count
[docs] def count_angles(self): count = 0 for node, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): try: for angle in data['angles'].keys(): count += 1 except KeyError: pass return count
[docs] def count_impropers(self): count = 0 for node, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): try: for angle in data['impropers'].keys(): count += 1 except KeyError: pass return count
[docs] def reorder_labels(self, reorder_dic): """Re-order the labels of the nodes so that LAMMPS doesn't complain. This issue only arises when a supercell is built, but isolated molecules are not replicated in the supercell (by user request). This creates a discontinuity in the indices of the atoms, which breaks some features in LAMMPS. """ old_nodes = sorted([(i,self.node[i]) for i in self.nodes()]) #old_nodes = list(self.nodes_iter2(data=True)) old_edges = list(self.edges_iter2(data=True)) for node, data in old_nodes: if 'angles' in data: ang_data = list(data['angles'].items()) for (a,c), val in ang_data: data['angles'].pop((a,c)) data['angles'][(reorder_dic[a], reorder_dic[c])] = val if 'impropers' in data: imp_data = list(data['impropers'].items()) for (a, c, d), val in imp_data: data['impropers'].pop((a,c,d)) data['impropers'][(reorder_dic[a], reorder_dic[c], reorder_dic[d])] = val self.remove_node(node) data['index'] = reorder_dic[node] self.add_node(reorder_dic[node], **data) for b, c, data in old_edges: if 'dihedrals' in data: dihed_data = list(data['dihedrals'].items()) for (a, d), val in dihed_data: data['dihedrals'].pop((a,d)) data['dihedrals'][(reorder_dic[a], reorder_dic[d])] = val try: self.remove_edge(b,c) except nx.exception.NetworkXError: # edge already removed from 'remove_node' above pass self.add_edge(reorder_dic[b], reorder_dic[c], **data) old_edge_dict = self.sorted_edge_dict.items() self.sorted_edge_dict = {} for (a,b), val in old_edge_dict: self.sorted_edge_dict[(reorder_dic[a], reorder_dic[b])] = (reorder_dic[val[0]], reorder_dic[val[1]]) old_images = self.molecule_images[:] self.molecule_images = [] for m in old_images: newm = [reorder_dic[i] for i in m] self.molecule_images.append(newm)
[docs] def add_atomic_node(self, **kwargs): """Insert nodes into the graph from the cif file""" #update keywords with more atom info # rename this to something more intuitive label="_atom_site_type_symbol" orig_keys = list(kwargs.keys()) if(label not in kwargs): label = "_atom_site_label" if (label not in kwargs): print("ERROR: could not find the keyword for the element types in the cif file!"+ " Please use '_atom_site_type_symbol' or '_atom_site_label' for the element"+ " column.") sys.exit() charge_keywords = ["_atom_type_partial_charge", "_atom_type_parital_charge", "_atom_type_charge", "_atom_site_charge" # RASPA cif file ] element = kwargs.pop(label) # replacing Atom.__init__ kwargs.update({'mass':MASS[element]}) kwargs.update({'molid':self.molecule_id}) kwargs.update({'element':element}) kwargs.update({'cycle':False}) kwargs.update({'rings':[]}) kwargs.update({'atomic_number':ATOMIC_NUMBER.index(element)}) kwargs.update({'pair_potential':None}) kwargs.update({'h_bond_donor':False}) kwargs.update({'h_bond_potential':None}) kwargs.update({'tabulated_potential':False}) kwargs.update({'table_potential':None}) if set(orig_keys) & set(charge_keywords): key = list(set(orig_keys)&set(charge_keywords))[0] try: kwargs['charge'] = float(kwargs[key]) except ValueError: print("Warning %s could not be converted "%(kwargs[key]) + "to a charge value for atom %s"%(element) + ", setting charge as 0.0 for this atom") kwargs['charge'] = 0.0 else: kwargs['charge'] = 0.0 try: fftype = kwargs.pop('_atom_site_description') except KeyError: fftype = None kwargs.update({'force_field_type':fftype}) idx = self.number_of_nodes() + 1 kwargs.update({'index':idx}) #TODO(pboyd) should have some error checking here.. try: n = kwargs.pop('_atom_site_label') except KeyError: n = label kwargs.update({'ciflabel':n}) # to identify Cu paddlewheels, etc. #kwargs.update({'special_flag':None}) self.add_node(idx, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_bonding(self, cell, scale_factor = 0.9): """Computes bonds between atoms based on covalent radii.""" # here assume bonds exist, populate data with lengths and # symflags if needed. if (self.number_of_edges() > 0): # bonding found in cif file sf = [] for n1, n2, data in self.edges_iter2(data=True): # get data['ciflabel'] for self.node[n1] and self.node[n2] # update the sorted_edge_dict with the indices, not the # cif labels n1data = self.node[n1] n2data = self.node[n2] n1label = n1data['ciflabel'] n2label = n2data['ciflabel'] try: nn1, nn2 = self.sorted_edge_dict.pop((n1label, n2label)) if nn2 == n1label: nn1 = n2 nn2 = n1 self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n1, n2):(nn1, nn2)}) self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n2, n1):(nn1, nn2)}) except KeyError: pass try: nn1, nn2 = self.sorted_edge_dict.pop((n2label, n1label)) if nn2 == n1label: nn1 = n2 nn2 = n1 self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n2, n1):(nn1, nn2)}) self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n1, n2):(nn1, nn2)}) except KeyError: pass sf.append(data['symflag']) bl = data['length'] if bl <= 0.01: id1, id2 = self.node[n1]['index']-1, self.node[n2]['index']-1 dist = self.distance_matrix[id1,id2] data['length'] = dist if (set(sf) == set(['.'])): # compute sym flags for n1, n2, data in self.edges_iter2(data=True): flag = self.compute_bond_image_flag(n1, n2, cell) data['symflag'] = flag return # Here we will determine bonding from all atom pairs using # covalent radii. for n1, n2 in itertools.combinations(self.nodes(), 2): node1, node2 = self.node[n1], self.node[n2] e1, e2 = node1['element'],\ node2['element'] elements = set([e1, e2]) i1,i2 = node1['index']-1, node2['index']-1 rad = (COVALENT_RADII[e1] + COVALENT_RADII[e2]) dist = self.distance_matrix[i1,i2] tempsf = scale_factor # probably a better way to fix these kinds of issues.. if (set("F") < elements) and (elements & metals): tempsf = 0.8 if (set("O") < elements) and (elements & metals): tempsf = 0.85 # fix for water particle recognition. if(set(["O", "H"]) <= elements): tempsf = 0.8 # fix for M-NDISA MOFs if(set(["O", "C"]) <= elements): tempsf = 0.8 if (set("O") < elements) and (elements & metals): tempsf = 0.82 # very specific fix for Michelle's amine appended MOF if(set(["N","H"]) <= elements): tempsf = 0.67 if(set(["Mg","N"]) <= elements): tempsf = 0.80 if(set(["C","H"]) <= elements): tempsf = 0.80 if dist*tempsf < rad and not (alkali & elements): flag = self.compute_bond_image_flag(n1, n2, cell) self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n1,n2): (n1, n2), (n2, n1):(n1, n2)}) self.add_edge(n1, n2, key=self.number_of_edges() + 1, order=1.0, weight=1, length=dist, symflag = flag, potential = None )
#TODO(pboyd) update this
[docs] def compute_bond_image_flag(self, n1, n2, cell): """Update bonds to contain bond type, distances, and min img shift.""" supercells = np.array(list(itertools.product((-1, 0, 1), repeat=3))) unit_repr = np.array([5,5,5], dtype=int) atom1 = self.node[n1] atom2 = self.node[n2] #coord1 = self.coordinates[atom1['index']-1] #coord2 = self.coordinates[atom2['index']-1] coord1 = self.node[n1]['cartesian_coordinates'] coord2 = self.node[n2]['cartesian_coordinates'] fcoords =, coord2) + supercells coords = np.array([, cell.cell) for j in fcoords]) dists = distance.cdist([coord1], coords) dists = dists[0].tolist() image = dists.index(min(dists)) dist = min(dists) sym = '.' if all([i==0 for i in supercells[image]]) else \ "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array(supercells[image],dtype=int) + unit_repr)) if(dist > 7): #print("BEFORE: ", self[n1][n2]['symflag']) print("WARNING: bonded atoms %i and %i are %.3f Angstroms apart."%(n1,n2,dist) + " This probably has something to do with the redefinition of the unitcell "+ "to a supercell. Please contact the developers!") return sym
[docs] def compute_angle_between(self, l, m, r): coordl = self.node[l]['cartesian_coordinates'] coordm = self.node[m]['cartesian_coordinates'] coordr = self.node[r]['cartesian_coordinates'] try: v1 = self.min_img(coordl - coordm) v2 = self.min_img(coordr - coordm) except AttributeError: v1 = coordl - coordm v2 = coordr - coordm v1 /= np.linalg.norm(v1) v2 /= np.linalg.norm(v2) a = np.arccos(, v2)) if np.isnan(a): if np.allclose((v1 + v2),np.zeros(3)): a = 180 else: a = 0 angle = a / DEG2RAD return angle
[docs] def coplanar(self, node): """ Determine if this node, and it's neighbors are all co-planar. """ coord = self.node[node]['cartesian_coordinates'] vects = [] for j in self.neighbors(node): vects.append(self.node[j]['cartesian_coordinates'] - coord) # use the first two vectors to define a plane v1 = vects[0] v2 = vects[1] n = np.cross(v1, v2) n /= np.linalg.norm(n) for v in vects[2:]: v /= np.linalg.norm(v) # what is a good tolerance for co-planarity in MOFs? # this is used solely to determine if a 4-coordinated metal atom # is square planar or tetrahedral.. if not np.allclose(,n), 0., atol=0.02): return False return True
[docs] def compute_dihedral_between(self, a, b, c, d): coorda = self.node[a]['cartesian_coordinates'] coordb = self.node[b]['cartesian_coordinates'] coordc = self.node[c]['cartesian_coordinates'] coordd = self.node[d]['cartesian_coordinates'] v1 = self.min_img(coorda - coordb) v2 = self.min_img(coordc - coordb) v3 = self.min_img(coordb - coordc) v4 = self.min_img(coordd - coordc) n1 = np.cross(v1, v2) n2 = np.cross(v3, v4) n1 /= np.linalg.norm(n1) n2 /= np.linalg.norm(n2) a = np.arccos(, n2)) if np.isnan(a): a = 0 angle = a / DEG2RAD return angle
[docs] def add_bond_edge(self, **kwargs): """Add bond edges (weight factor = 1)""" #TODO(pboyd) should figure out if there are other cif keywords to identify # atom types #TODO(pboyd) this is .cif specific and should be contained within the cif # file reading portion of the code. This is so that other file formats # can eventually be adopted if need be. n1 = kwargs.pop('_geom_bond_atom_site_label_1') n2 = kwargs.pop('_geom_bond_atom_site_label_2') try: length = float(del_parenth(kwargs.pop('_geom_bond_distance'))) except KeyError: length = 0.0 try: order = CCDC_BOND_ORDERS[kwargs['_ccdc_geom_bond_type']] except KeyError: order = 1.0 try: flag = kwargs.pop('_geom_bond_site_symmetry_2') except KeyError: # assume bond does not straddle a periodic boundary flag = '.' kwargs.update({'length':length}) kwargs.update({'weight': 1}) kwargs.update({'order': order}) kwargs.update({'symflag': flag}) kwargs.update({'potential': None}) # get the node index to avoid headaches for k,data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): if data['ciflabel'] == n1: n1 = k elif data['ciflabel'] == n2: n2 =k self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n1,n2): (n1, n2), (n2, n1):(n1, n2)}) self.add_edge(n1, n2, key=self.number_of_edges()+1, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_cartesian_coordinates(self, cell): """Compute the cartesian coordinates for each atom node""" coord_keys = ['_atom_site_x', '_atom_site_y', '_atom_site_z'] fcoord_keys = ['_atom_site_fract_x', '_atom_site_fract_y', '_atom_site_fract_z'] self.coordinates = np.empty((self.number_of_nodes(), 3)) for node, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): #TODO(pboyd) probably need more error checking.. try: coordinates = np.array([float(del_parenth(data[i])) for i in coord_keys]) except KeyError: coordinates = np.array([float(del_parenth(data[i])) for i in fcoord_keys]) coordinates =, cell.cell) data.update({'cartesian_coordinates':coordinates}) self.coordinates[data['index']-1] = coordinates
[docs] def compute_min_img_distances(self, cell): self.distance_matrix = np.empty((self.number_of_nodes(), self.number_of_nodes())) for n1, n2 in itertools.combinations(self.nodes(), 2): id1, id2 = self.node[n1]['index']-1,\ self.node[n2]['index']-1 #coords1, coords2 = self.coordinates[id1], self.coordinates[id2] coords1, coords2 = self.node[n1]['cartesian_coordinates'], self.node[n2]['cartesian_coordinates'] try: dist = self.min_img_distance(coords1, coords2, cell) except TypeError: sys.exit() self.distance_matrix[id1][id2] = dist self.distance_matrix[id2][id1] = dist
[docs] def min_img(self, coord): f =, coord) f -= np.around(f) return, self.cell.cell)
[docs] def in_cell(self, coord): f =, coord) % 1 return, self.cell.cell)
[docs] def fractional(self, coord): f =, coord) return f
[docs] def min_img_distance(self, coords1, coords2, cell): one =, coords1) % 1 two =, coords2) % 1 three = np.around(one - two) four = - two - three, cell.cell) return np.linalg.norm(four)
[docs] def compute_init_typing(self): """Find possible rings in the structure and initialize the hybridization for each atom. More refined determinations of atom and bond types is computed below in compute_bond_typing """ #TODO(pboyd) return if atoms already 'typed' in the .cif file # compute and store cycles cycles = [] for node, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): for n in self.neighbors(node): # fastest way I could think of.. edge = self[node][n].copy() self.remove_edge(node, n) cycle = [] try: # cycle = list(nx.all_shortest_paths(self, node, n)) cycle = list(nx.all_simple_paths(self, source=node, target=n, cutoff=10)) if not cycle==[]: # storing all path that have the length of the shortest path of the graph cycle_shortest_path = min(map(len, cycle)) cycle = [cyc for cyc in cycle if len(cyc) == cycle_shortest_path] except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath: pass self.add_edge(node, n, **edge) #FIXME MW edit to only store cycles < len(10) # should be a harmless edit but maybe need to test if(len(cycle) <= 10): cycles += cycle for label, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): # N O C S neighbours = self.neighbors(label) element = data['element'] if element == "C": if >= 4: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) elif == 3: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp2'}) elif <= 2: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp'}) elif element == "N": if >= 3: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) elif == 2: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp2'}) elif == 1: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp'}) else: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) elif element == "O": n_elems = set([self.node[k]['element'] for k in neighbours]) if >= 2: # if O is bonded to a metal, assume sp2 - like ... # there's probably many cases where this fails, # but carboxylate groups, bridging hydroxy groups # make this true. if (n_elems <= metals): self.node[label].update({'hybridization': 'sp2'}) else: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) elif == 1: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp2'}) else: # If it has no neighbours, just give it SP3 self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) elif element == "S": if >= 2: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) elif == 1: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp2'}) else: self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) else: #default sp3 self.node[label].update({'hybridization':'sp3'}) # convert to aromatic # probably not a good test for aromaticity.. arom = set(["C", "N", "O", "S"]) for cycle in cycles: elements = [self.node[k]['element'] for k in cycle] neigh = [ for k in cycle] if np.all(np.array(neigh) <= 3) and set(elements) <= arom: for a in cycle: self.node[a]['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' self.node[a]['cycle'] = True self.node[a]['rings'].append(cycle)
[docs] def compute_bond_typing(self): """ Compute bond types and atom types based on the local edge environment. Messy, loads of 'ifs' is there a better way to catch chemical features? """ #TODO(pboyd) return if bonds already 'typed' in the .cif file double_check = [] for n1, n2, data in self.edges_iter2(data=True): elements = [self.node[a]['element'] for a in (n1,n2)] hybridization = [self.node[a]['hybridization'] for a in (n1, n2)] rings = [self.node[a]['rings'] for a in (n1, n2)] samering = False if set(hybridization) == set(['aromatic']): for r in rings[0]: if n2 in r: samering = True if(samering): data.update({"order" : 1.5}) if set(elements) == set(["C", "O"]): car = n1 if self.node[n1]['element'] == "C" else n2 car_data = self.node[car] oxy = n2 if self.node[n2]['element'] == "O" else n1 oxy_data = self.node[oxy] carnn = [i for i in self.neighbors(car) if i != oxy] try: carnelem = [self.node[j]['element'] for j in carnn] except: carnelem = [] oxynn = [i for i in self.neighbors(oxy) if i != car] try: oxynelem = [self.node[j]['element'] for j in oxynn] except: oxynelem = [] if "O" in carnelem: at = carnn[carnelem.index("O")] at_data = self.node[at] if == 1: if == 1: #CO2 car_data['hybridization'] = 'sp' oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'sp2' data['order'] = 2. else: # ester if set(oxynelem) <= organic: car_data['hybridization'] = 'sp2' oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'sp2' data['order'] = 1 # this is the ether part of an ester... #carboxylate? else: car_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' oxy_data['hybridization']= 'aromatic' data['order'] = 1.5 else: atnelem = [self.node[k]['element'] for k in self.neighbors(at)] if (set(atnelem) <= organic): # ester if len(oxynn) == 0: car_data['hybridization'] = 'sp2' oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'sp2' data['order'] = 2. # carbonyl part of ester # some kind of resonance structure? else: car_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' data['order'] = 1.5 else: car_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' data['order'] = 1.5 if "N" in carnelem: at = carnn[carnelem.index("N")] # C=O of amide group if == 1: data['order'] = 1.5 car_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' # only one carbon oxygen connection.. could be C=O, R-C-O-R, R-C=O-R if (not "O" in carnelem) and (not "N" in carnelem): if len(oxynn) > 0: # ether oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'sp3' data['order'] = 1.0 else: if car_data['cycle'] and car_data['hybridization'] == 'aromatic': oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' data['order'] = 1.5 # carbonyl else: oxy_data['hybridization'] = 'sp2' data['order'] = 2.0 elif set(elements) == set(["C", "N"]) and not samering: car = n1 if self.node[n1]['element'] == "C" else n2 car_data = self.node[car] nit = n2 if self.node[n2]['element'] == "N" else n1 nit_data = self.node[nit] carnn = [j for j in self.neighbors(car) if j != nit] carnelem = [self.node[k]['element'] for k in carnn] nitnn = [j for j in self.neighbors(nit) if j != car] nitnelem = [self.node[k]['element'] for k in nitnn] # aromatic amine connected -- assume part of delocalized system if car_data['hybridization'] == 'aromatic' and set(['H']) == set(nitnelem): data['order'] = 1.5 nit_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' # amide? elif == 3 and len(nitnn) >=2: if "O" in carnelem: data['order'] = 1.5 # (amide) nit_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' # nitro if set(nitnelem) == set(["O"]): data['order'] = 1. nit_data['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' for oatom in nitnn: nobond = self[nit][oatom]['order'] = 1.5 self.node[oatom]['hybridization'] = 'aromatic' elif (not self.node[n1]['cycle']) and (not self.node[n2]['cycle']) and (set(elements) <= organic): if set(hybridization) == set(['sp2']): try: cr1 = COVALENT_RADII['%s_2'%elements[0]] except KeyError: cr1 = COVALENT_RADII[elements[0]] try: cr2 = COVALENT_RADII['%s_2'%(elements[1])] except KeyError: cr2 = COVALENT_RADII[elements[1]] covrad = cr1 + cr2 # first pass: assign all to 2.0 bond order data['order'] = 2.0 double_check += [n1, n2] #if (data['length'] <= covrad*.95): # data['order'] = 2.0 elif set(hybridization) == set(['sp']): try: cr1 = COVALENT_RADII['%s_1'%elements[0]] except KeyError: cr1 = COVALENT_RADII[elements[0]] try: cr2 = COVALENT_RADII['%s_1'%elements[1]] except KeyError: cr2 = COVALENT_RADII[elements[1]] # first pass: assign all to 3.0 bond order double_check += [n1, n2] data['order'] = 3.0 #covrad = cr1 + cr2 #if (data['length'] <= covrad*.95): # data['order'] = 3.0 # second pass, check organic unsaturated bonds to make # sure alkyl chains are alternating etc. while double_check: n = double_check.pop() # rewind this atom to a 'terminal' connected atom for i in self.recurse_bonds_to_end(n, pool=[], visited=[]): start = i try: idn = double_check.index(i) del double_check[idn] except ValueError: pass # iterate over all linear chains # BE CAREFUL about overwriting bond orders here, the recursion # can have duplicate bonds for each 'k' iteration since it iterates over # all possible linear chains. So if the molecule is branched, there # will be multiple recursions over the same set of bonds. for k in self.recurse_linear_chains(start, visited=[], excluded=[]): bond_orders = [] # first pass, store all the bond orders for idx in range(len(k)-1): n1 = k[idx] n2 = k[idx+1] bond = self[n1][n2] bond_orders.append(bond['order']) # second pass, check continuity for idx in range(len(k)-1): n1 = k[idx] n2 = k[idx+1] data1 = self.node[n1] data2 = self.node[n2] hyb1 = data1['hybridization'] hyb2 = data2['hybridization'] elem1 = data1['element'] elem2 = data2['element'] if(idx == 0): order = bond_orders[idx] if (len(bond_orders) > idx+1): next_order = bond_orders[idx+1] if (hyb1 == 'sp2') and (hyb2 == 'sp2'): bond_orders[idx] = 2. elif (idx < len(k)-2): prev_order = bond_orders[idx-1] next_order = bond_orders[idx+1] order = bond_orders[idx] if (hyb1 == 'sp2') and (hyb2 == 'sp2'): if (prev_order == 2.) and (next_order == 1): bond_orders[idx-1] = 1.5 bond_orders[idx] = 1.5 elif (prev_order == 2.) and (next_order == 2.): bond_orders[idx] = 1. elif (hyb1 == 'sp') and (hyb2 == 'sp'): if (prev_order == 3.) and (next_order == 3.): bond_orders[idx] = 1. else: prev_order = bond_orders[idx-1] order = bond_orders[idx] if (hyb1 == 'sp2') and (hyb2 == 'sp2'): if (prev_order == 2.) and (order == 2): if set([elem1, elem2]) == set(["C", "O"]): onode = n2 if self.node[n2]['element'] == "O" else n1 # this very specific case is a enol if == 1: bond_orders[idx] = 1.5 bond_orders[idx-1] = 1.5 elif (hyb1 == 'sp') and (hyb2 == 'sp'): if (prev_order == 3.): bond_orders[idx] = 1. for idx in range(len(k)-1): n1 = k[idx] n2 = k[idx+1] bond = self[n1][n2] # update bond orders. bond['order'] = bond_orders[idx]
#print([self.node[r]['element'] for r in k])
[docs] def recurse_linear_chains(self, node, visited=[], excluded=[]): """Messy recursion function to return all unique chains from a set of atoms between two metals (or terminal atoms in the case of molecules)""" if self.node[node]['element'] == 'H': yield neighbors = [i for i in self.neighbors(node) if i not in excluded and self.node[i]['element'] != "H"] if (not neighbors) and (node in excluded) and (not visited): return elif (not neighbors) and (node in excluded): nde = visited.pop() elif (not neighbors) and (not (node in excluded)): excluded.append(node) visited.append(node) yield visited nde = visited.pop() else: excluded.append(node) visited.append(node) nde = neighbors[0] for x in self.recurse_linear_chains(nde, visited, excluded): yield x
[docs] def recurse_bonds_to_end(self, node, pool=[], visited=[]): if self.node[node]['element'] == 'H': return visited.append(node) neighbors = [i for i in self.neighbors(node) if i not in visited and self.node[i]['element'] != "H"] pool += neighbors yield node if (not pool) or (self.node[node]['element'] in list(metals)): return for x in self.recurse_bonds_to_end(pool[0], pool[1:], visited): yield x
[docs] def atomic_node_sanity_check(self): """Check for specific keyword/value pairs. Exit if non-existent"""
[docs] def compute_angles(self): """angles are attached to specific nodes, this way if a node is cut out of a graph, the angle comes with it. b-----a / / c Must be updated with different adjacent nodes if a supercell is requested, and the angle crosses a periodic image. """ for b, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): if < 2: continue angles = itertools.combinations(self.neighbors(b), 2) for (a, c) in angles: data.setdefault('angles', {}).update({(a,c):{'potential':None}})
[docs] def compute_dihedrals(self): """Dihedrals are attached to specific edges in the graph. a \ b -- c \ d the edge between b and c will contain all possible dihedral angles between the neighbours of b and c (this includes a and d and other possible bonded atoms) """ for b, c, data in self.edges_iter2(data=True): b_neighbours = [k for k in self.neighbors(b) if k != c] c_neighbours = [k for k in self.neighbors(c) if k != b] for a in b_neighbours: for d in c_neighbours: data.setdefault('dihedrals',{}).update({(a, d):{'potential':None}})
[docs] def compute_improper_dihedrals(self): """Improper Dihedrals are attached to specific nodes in the graph. a \ b -- c | d the node b will contain all possible improper dihedral angles between the neighbours of b """ for b, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): if != 3: continue # three improper torsion angles about each atom local_impropers = list(itertools.permutations(self.neighbors(b))) for idx in range(0, 6, 2): (a, c, d) = local_impropers[idx] data.setdefault('impropers',{}).update({(a,c,d):{'potential':None}})
[docs] def compute_topology_information(self, cell, tol, num_neighbours): self.compute_cartesian_coordinates(cell) self.compute_min_img_distances(cell) self.compute_bonding(cell) self.compute_init_typing() self.compute_bond_typing() if (self.find_metal_sbus): self.detect_clusters(num_neighbours, tol) # num neighbors determines how many nodes from the metal element to cut out for comparison if (self.find_organic_sbus): self.detect_clusters(num_neighbours, tol, type="Organic") self.compute_angles() self.compute_dihedrals() self.compute_improper_dihedrals()
[docs] def sorted_node_list(self): return [n[1] for n in sorted([(data['index'], node) for node, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True)])]
[docs] def sorted_edge_list(self): return [e[1] for e in sorted([(data['index'], (n1, n2)) for n1, n2, data in self.edges_iter2(data=True)])]
[docs] def show(self): nx.draw(self)
[docs] def img_offset(self, cells, cell, maxcell, flag, redefine, n1=0): unit_repr = np.array([5, 5, 5], dtype=int) if(flag == '.'): return cells.index(tuple([tuple([i]) for i in cell])) translation = np.array([int(j) for j in flag[2:]]) - unit_repr ocell = np.array(cell + translation, dtype=np.float64) # have to find the off-diagonal values, and what their # multiples are to determine the image cell of this # bond. imgcell = ocell % maxcell if redefine is None: return cells.index(tuple([tuple([i]) for i in imgcell])) olde_imgcell = imgcell newcell = cell +, redefine)%maxcell newocell = (newcell + translation) #% maxcell rd2 = redefine - np.identity(3)*maxcell # check if the newcell translation spans a periodic boundary if (np.any(newocell >= maxcell, axis=0)) or (np.any(newocell < 0.)): # get indices of where the newocell is spanning a pbc indexes = np.where(newocell - maxcell >= 0)[0].tolist() + np.where(newocell < 0)[0].tolist() # determine if the translation spans a lattice vector which is a linear combination # of the other vectors, in which case, make a correction in the image cell # this is checked by finding which lattice indices are spanning the cell, then # checking if these vectors are a linear combination of the other ones by # summing the columns together. # this ONLY works if b and c are lin combs of a and a is the unit vector newrd = np.sum(rd2[indexes], axis=0)%maxcell #newrd =, redefine)%maxcell if np.any(newrd != 0): imgcell = (newocell -, redefine)) % maxcell return cells.index(tuple([tuple([i]) for i in imgcell]))
[docs] def update_symflag(self, cell, symflag, mincell, maxcell): unit_repr = np.array([5, 5, 5], dtype=int) ocell = cell + np.array([int(j) for j in symflag[2:]]) - unit_repr imgcell = ocell % maxcell if any(ocell < mincell) or any(ocell >= maxcell): newflaga = np.array([5,5,5]) newflaga[np.where(ocell >= maxcell)] = 6 newflaga[np.where(ocell < np.zeros(3))] = 4 newflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(newflaga)) else: newflag = '.' return newflag
[docs] def correspondence_graph(self, graph, tol, general_metal=False, node_subset=None): """Generate a correspondence graph between the nodes and the SBU. tolerance is the distance tolerance for the edge generation in the correspondence graph. """ if node_subset is None: node_subset = self.nodes() graph_nodes = graph.nodes() cg = nx.Graph() # add nodes to cg for (i, j) in itertools.product(node_subset, graph_nodes): # match element-wise elementi = self.node[i]['element'] elementj = graph.node[j]['element'] match = False if general_metal: if ATOMIC_NUMBER.index(elementi) in METALS and ATOMIC_NUMBER.index(elementj) in METALS: match = True elif elementi == elementj: match = True elif elementi == elementj: match = True if match: cg.add_node((i,j)) # add edges to cg for (a1, b1), (a2, b2) in itertools.combinations(cg.nodes(), 2): if (a1 != a2) and (b1 != b2): da = self.distance_matrix[a1-1, a2-1] db = graph.distance_matrix[b1-1, b2-1] if np.allclose(da, db, atol=tol): cg.add_edge((a1,b1), (a2,b2)) return cg
[docs] def detect_clusters(self, num_neighbors, tol, type='Inorganic', general_metal=False): """Detect clusters such as the copper paddlewheel using maximum clique detection. This will assign specific atoms with a special flag for use when building their force field. setting general_metal to True will allow for cluster recognition of inorganic SBUs while ignoring the specific element type of the metal, so long as it is a metal, it will be paired with other metals. This may increase the time for SBU recognition. """ print("Detecting %s clusters"%type) reference_nodes = [] if type=="Inorganic": types = InorganicCluster.keys() ref_sbus = InorganicCluster store_sbus = self.inorganic_sbus elif type == "Organic": types = OrganicCluster.keys() ref_sbus = OrganicCluster store_sbus = self.organic_sbus for node, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): if (type=='Inorganic') and (general_metal) and (data['atomic_number'] in METALS)\ and ('special' not in data.keys()): # special means that this atom has already been found in a previous clique detection reference_nodes.append(node) elif (data['element'] in types) and ('special' not in data.keys()): reference_nodes.append(node) no_cluster = [] #FIXME(pboyd): This routine doesn't work for finding 1-D rod SBUs. # At each step the atoms found that belong to an SBU are deleted # to improve the search efficiency. In 1-D rod SBUs there are # repeating elements in the 'discretized' version used to discover # the rod in a MOF, so in some cases only a fragment of the rod # is found. This results in the wrong force field types being # assigned to these atoms (UFF4MOF). for node in reference_nodes: #while reference_nodes: #node = reference_nodes.pop() data = self.node[node] possible_clusters = {} toln = tol if type=="Inorganic" and general_metal: for j in ref_sbus.keys(): possible_clusters.update(ref_sbus[j]) else: possible_clusters.update(ref_sbus[data['element']]) try: neighbour_nodes = [] instanced_neighbours = self.neighbors(node) if (data['element'] == "C"): chk_neighbors = num_neighbors # organic clusters can be much bigger. else: chk_neighbors = num_neighbors # tree-like spanning of original node for j in range(chk_neighbors): temp_neighbours = [] for n in instanced_neighbours: if('special' not in self.node[n].keys()): neighbour_nodes.append(n) temp_neighbours += [j for j in self.neighbors(n) if j not in neighbour_nodes] instanced_neighbours = temp_neighbours cluster_found = False # sort by descending number of nodes, this will ensure the largest SBU will be found # instead of a collection of smaller ones (e.g. multiple aromatic rings). clusters = [(cluster.number_of_nodes(), name, cluster) for name,cluster in possible_clusters.items()] for count, name, cluster in list(reversed(sorted(clusters))): # ignore if it is impossible to find a clique with the current cluster. if (len(neighbour_nodes)+1) < cluster.number_of_nodes(): continue cg = self.correspondence_graph(cluster, toln, general_metal=general_metal, node_subset=neighbour_nodes + [node]) cliques = nx.find_cliques(cg) #cliques = approximation.clique.max_clique(cg) for clique in cliques: #print(len(clique), cluster.number_of_nodes()) if len(clique) == cluster.number_of_nodes(): # found cluster # update the 'hybridization' data for i,j in clique: self.node[i]['special_flag'] = cluster.node[j]['special_flag'] cluster_found = True print("Found %s"%(name)) store_sbus.setdefault(name, []).append([i for (i,j) in clique]) #break #if(cluster_found): # for n in neighbour_nodes: # try: # reference_nodes.pop(reference_nodes.index(n)) # except: # pass # break #else: # # put node back into the pool # reference_nodes.append(node) if not (cluster_found): no_cluster.append(data['element']) except KeyError: # no recognizable clusters for element no_cluster.append(data['element']) for j in set(no_cluster): print ("No recognizable %s clusters for %i elements %s"%(type.lower(), no_cluster.count(j), j))
[docs] def redefine_lattice(self, redefinition, lattice): """Redefines the lattice based on the old lattice vectors. This was designed to convert non-orthogonal cells to orthogonal boxes, but it could in principle be used to convert any cell to any other cell. (As long as the redefined lattice are integer multiples of the old vectors) """ #print(redefinition) #redefinition = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [ -2., 2.,0.], [ -1., 3., 2.]]) # determine how many replicas of the atoms is necessary to produce the supercell. vol_change = if vol_change > 20: print("ERROR: The volume change is %i times greater than the unit cell. "%(vol_change) + "I cannot process structures of this size!") sys.exit() print("The redefined cell will be %i times larger than the original."%(int(vol_change))) # replicate supercell sc = (tuple([int(i) for i in np.diag(redefinition)])) self.build_supercell(sc, lattice, redefine=redefinition) # re-define the cell old_cell = np.multiply(self.cell._cell.T, sc).T self.cell.set_cell(, self.cell._cell)) # the node cartesian_coordinates must be shifted by the periodic boundaries. for node, data in self.nodes_iter2(data=True): coord = data['cartesian_coordinates'] data['cartesian_coordinates'] = self.in_cell(coord) # the bonds which span a periodic boundary will change for n1, n2, data in self.edges_iter2(data=True): flag = self.compute_bond_image_flag(n1, n2, self.cell) data['symflag'] = flag #'.' # not sure what this may break, but have to assume this new cell is the 'original' self.store_original_size()
[docs] def subgraph(self,nodelist): """ Have to override subgraph from networkx. No idea why, but when Graph.subgraph is called in nx v >= 2.0, it returns a Graph object, not a MolecularGraph. """ gg = deepcopy(self) delete_nodes = [] for g in gg.nodes(): if (not g in nodelist): delete_nodes.append(g) gg.remove_nodes_from(delete_nodes) return gg
[docs] def build_supercell(self, sc, lattice, track_molecule=False, molecule_len=0, redefine=None): """Construct a graph with nodes supporting the size of the supercell (sc) Oh man.. so ugly. NB: this replaces and overwrites the original unit cell data with a supercell. There may be a better way to do this if one needs to keep both the super- and unit cells. """ # preserve indices across molecules. unitatomlen = self.original_size totatomlen = nx.number_of_nodes(self) # keep a numerical index of the nodes.. this is to make sure that the molecules # are kept in their positions in the supercell (if replicated) unit_node_ids = sorted(self.nodes()) origincell = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) cells = list(itertools.product(*[itertools.product(range(j)) for j in sc])) maxcell = np.array(sc) rem_edges = [] add_edges = [] union_graphs = [] orig_copy = deepcopy(self) for count, cell in enumerate(cells): newcell = np.array(cell).flatten() offset = count * unitatomlen mol_offset = count * molecule_len cartesian_offset =, lattice.cell) # Initial setup of new image in the supercell. if (count == 0): graph_image = self else: # rename nodes graph_image = nx.relabel_nodes(deepcopy(orig_copy), {unit_node_ids[i-1]: offset+unit_node_ids[i-1] for i in range(1, totatomlen+1)}) graph_image.sorted_edge_dict = self.sorted_edge_dict.copy() # rename the edges with the offset associated with this supercell. for k,v in list(graph_image.sorted_edge_dict.items()): newkey = (k[0] + offset, k[1] + offset) newval = (v[0] + offset, v[1] + offset) del graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[k] graph_image.sorted_edge_dict.update({newkey:newval}) # keep track of original index value from the unit cell. for i in range(1, totatomlen+1): graph_image.node[unit_node_ids[i-1]+offset]['image'] = unit_node_ids[i-1] if track_molecule: self.molecule_images.append(graph_image.nodes()) graph_image.molecule_id = orig_copy.molecule_id + mol_offset # update cartesian coordinates for each node in the image for node in graph_image.nodes(): data = graph_image.node[node] n_orig = data['image'] if track_molecule: data['molid'] = graph_image.molecule_id data['cartesian_coordinates'] = data['cartesian_coordinates'] + cartesian_offset # update all angle and improper terms to the curent image indices. Dihedrals will be done in the edge loop # angle check try: for (a, c), val in list(data['angles'].items()): aid, cid = offset + a, offset + c e_ba = graph_image[node][aid] e_bc = graph_image[node][cid] ba_symflag = e_ba['symflag'] order_ba = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(aid, node)] if order_ba != (node, aid) and e_ba['symflag'] != '.': ba_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array([10,10,10]) - np.array([int(j) for j in e_ba['symflag'][2:]]))) bc_symflag = e_bc['symflag'] order_bc = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(node, cid)] if order_bc != (node, cid) and e_bc['symflag'] != '.': bc_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array([10,10,10]) - np.array([int(j) for j in e_bc['symflag'][2:]]))) os_a = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, ba_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen os_c = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, bc_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen data['angles'].pop((a,c)) data['angles'][(a + os_a, c + os_c)] = val except KeyError: # no angles for n1 pass # improper check try: for (a, c, d), val in list(data['impropers'].items()): aid, cid, did = offset + a, offset + c, offset + d e_ba = graph_image[node][aid] order_ba = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(node, aid)] ba_symflag = e_ba['symflag'] e_bc = graph_image[node][cid] order_bc = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(node, cid)] bc_symflag = e_bc['symflag'] e_bd = graph_image[node][did] order_bd = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(node, did)] bd_symflag = e_bd['symflag'] if order_ba != (node, aid) and e_ba['symflag'] != '.': ba_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple([10 - int(j) for j in e_ba['symflag'][2:]])) if order_bc != (node, cid) and e_bc['symflag'] != '.': bc_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple([10 - int(j) for j in e_bc['symflag'][2:]])) if order_bd != (node, did) and e_bd['symflag'] != '.': bd_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple([10 - int(j) for j in e_bd['symflag'][2:]])) os_a = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, ba_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen os_c = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, bc_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen os_d = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, bd_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen data['impropers'].pop((a,c,d)) data['impropers'][(a + os_a, c + os_c, d + os_d)] = val except KeyError: # no impropers for n1 pass # update nodes and edges to account for bonding to periodic images. #unique_translations = {} for v1, v2 in graph_image.edges(): #data = graph_image.edges[(v1,v2)] data = graph_image[v1][v2] n1,n2 = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(v1,v2)] # flag boundary crossings, and determine updated nodes. # check symmetry flags if they need to be updated, n1_data = graph_image.node[n1] n2_data = graph_image.node[n2] try: n1_orig = n1_data['image'] n2_orig = n2_data['image'] except KeyError: n1_orig = n1 n2_orig = n2 # TODO(pboyd) the data of 'rings' for each node is not updated, do so if needed.. # update angle, dihedral, improper indices. # dihedrals are difficult if the edge spans one of the terminal atoms.. if (data['symflag'] != '.'): # DEBUGGING unit_repr = np.array([5, 5, 5], dtype=int) translation = tuple(np.array([int(j) for j in data['symflag'][2:]]) - unit_repr) #unique_translations.setdefault(translation,0) #unique_translations[translation] += 1 # DEBUGGING os_id = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, data['symflag'], redefine, n1) offset_c = os_id * unitatomlen img_n2 = offset_c + n2_orig #if (n1 == 1712): # print(os_id) # print(newcell) # print(redefine) # pain... opposite_flag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array([10,10,10]) - np.array([int(j) for j in data['symflag'][2:]]))) rev_n1_img = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, opposite_flag, redefine) * unitatomlen + n1_orig # dihedral check try: for (a, d), val in list(data['dihedrals'].items()): # check to make sure edge between a, n1 is not crossing an image edge_n1_a = orig_copy[n1_orig][a] order_n1_a = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(n1, a+offset)] n1a_symflag = edge_n1_a['symflag'] edge_n2_d = orig_copy[n2_orig][d] order_n2_d = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(n2, d+offset)] n2d_symflag = edge_n2_d['symflag'] offset_a = offset if order_n1_a != (n1, a+offset) and edge_n1_a['symflag'] != '.': n1a_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array([10,10,10]) - np.array([int(j) for j in edge_n1_a['symflag'][2:]]))) if (edge_n1_a['symflag'] != '.'): offset_a = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, n1a_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen # check to make sure edge between n2, c is not crossing an image offset_d = offset_c if order_n2_d != (n2, d+offset) and edge_n2_d['symflag'] != '.': n2d_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array([10,10,10]) - np.array([int(j) for j in edge_n2_d['symflag'][2:]]))) if (edge_n2_d['symflag'] != '.'): offset_d = self.img_offset(cells, np.array(cells[os_id]).flatten(), maxcell, n2d_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen aid, did = offset_a + a, offset_d + d copyover = data['dihedrals'].pop((a,d)) data['dihedrals'][(aid, did)] = copyover except KeyError: # no dihedrals here. pass # Update symmetry flag of bond data['symflag'] = self.update_symflag(newcell, data['symflag'], origincell, maxcell) add_edges += [((n1, img_n2),data)] rem_edges += [(n1, n2)] else: # dihedral check try: for (a, d), val in list(data['dihedrals'].items()): # check to make sure edge between a, n1 is not crossing an image edge_n1_a = orig_copy[n1_orig][a] order_n1_a = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(n1, a+offset)] n1a_symflag = edge_n1_a['symflag'] edge_n2_d = orig_copy[n2_orig][d] order_n2_d = graph_image.sorted_edge_dict[(n2, d+offset)] n2d_symflag = edge_n2_d['symflag'] offset_a = offset if order_n1_a != (n1, a+offset) and edge_n1_a['symflag'] != '.': n1a_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array([10,10,10]) - np.array([int(j) for j in edge_n1_a['symflag'][2:]]))) if (edge_n1_a['symflag'] != '.'): offset_a = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, n1a_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen # check to make sure edge between n2, c is not crossing an image offset_d = offset if order_n2_d != (n2, d+offset) and edge_n2_d['symflag'] != '.': n2d_symflag = "1_%i%i%i"%(tuple(np.array([10,10,10]) - np.array([int(j) for j in edge_n2_d['symflag'][2:]]))) if (edge_n2_d['symflag'] != '.'): offset_d = self.img_offset(cells, newcell, maxcell, n2d_symflag, redefine) * unitatomlen aid, did = offset_a + a, offset_d + d copyover = data['dihedrals'].pop((a,d)) data['dihedrals'][(aid, did)] = copyover except KeyError: # no dihedrals here. pass if (count > 0): union_graphs.append(graph_image) for G in union_graphs: for node in G.nodes(): data = G.node[node] self.add_node(node, **data) #once nodes are added, add edges. for G in union_graphs: self.sorted_edge_dict.update(G.sorted_edge_dict) for v1, v2 in G.edges(): #d=G.edges[(v1,v2)] d=G[v1][v2] n1,n2 = G.sorted_edge_dict[(v1,v2)] self.add_edge(n1, n2, **d) for (n1, n2) in rem_edges: self.remove_edge(n1, n2) self.sorted_edge_dict.pop((n1,n2)) self.sorted_edge_dict.pop((n2,n1)) for (n1, n2), data in add_edges: self.add_edge(n1, n2, **data) self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n1,n2):(n1,n2)}) self.sorted_edge_dict.update({(n2,n1):(n1,n2)})
[docs] def unwrap_node_coordinates(self, cell): """Must be done before supercell generation. This is a recursive method iterating over all edges. The design is totally unpythonic and written in about 5 mins.. so be nice (PB) """ supercells = np.array(list(itertools.product((-1, 0, 1), repeat=3))) # just use the first node as the unwrapping point.. # probably a better way to do this to keep most atoms in the unit cell, # but I don't think it matters too much. nodelist = list(self.nodes()) n1 = nodelist[0] queue = [] while (nodelist or queue): for n2, data in self[n1].items(): if n2 not in queue and n2 in nodelist: queue.append(n2) coord1 = self.node[n1]['cartesian_coordinates'] coord2 = self.node[n2]['cartesian_coordinates'] fcoords =, coord2) + supercells coords = np.array([, cell.cell) for j in fcoords]) dists = distance.cdist([coord1], coords) dists = dists[0].tolist() image = dists.index(min(dists)) self.node[n2]['cartesian_coordinates'] +=[image], cell.cell) data['symflag'] = '.' del nodelist[nodelist.index(n1)] try: n1 = queue[0] queue = queue[1:] except IndexError: pass
[docs] def store_original_size(self): self.original_size = self.number_of_nodes()
[docs] def __iadd__(self, newgraph): self.sorted_edge_dict.update(newgraph.sorted_edge_dict) for n, data in newgraph.nodes_iter2(data=True): self.add_node(n, **data) for n1,n2, data in newgraph.edges_iter2(data=True): self.add_edge(n1,n2, **data) return self
[docs] def __or__(self, graph): if (len(graph.nodes()) == 1) and len(self.nodes()) == 1: return list([0]) cg = self.correspondence_graph(graph, 0.4) cliques = list(nx.find_cliques(cg)) cliques.sort(key=len) return cliques[-1]
[docs]def del_parenth(string): return re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '' , string)
[docs]def from_CIF(cifname): """Reads the structure data from the CIF - currently does not read the symmetry of the cell - does not unpack the assymetric unit (assumes P1) - assumes that the appropriate keys are in the cifobj (no error checking) """ cifobj = CIF() data = cifobj._data # obtain atoms and cell cell = Cell() # add data to molecular graph (to be parsed later..) mg = MolecularGraph(name=clean(cifname)) cellparams = [float(del_parenth(i)) for i in [data['_cell_length_a'], data['_cell_length_b'], data['_cell_length_c'], data['_cell_angle_alpha'], data['_cell_angle_beta'], data['_cell_angle_gamma']]] cell.set_params(cellparams) #add atom nodes id = cifobj.block_order.index('atoms') atheads = cifobj._headings[id] for atom_data in zip(*[data[i] for i in atheads]): kwargs = {a:j.strip() for a, j in zip(atheads, atom_data)} mg.add_atomic_node(**kwargs) # add bond edges, if they exist try: id = cifobj.block_order.index('bonds') bondheads = cifobj._headings[id] for bond_data in zip(*[data[i] for i in bondheads]): kwargs = {a:j.strip() for a, j in zip(bondheads, bond_data)} mg.add_bond_edge(**kwargs) except: # catch no bonds print("No bonds reported in cif file - computing bonding..") mg.store_original_size() mg.cell = cell return cell, mg
[docs]def write_CIF(graph, cell): """Currently used for debugging purposes""" c = CIF(name="%s.debug" # data block c.add_data("data", c.add_data("data", _audit_creation_date= CIF.label(c.get_time())) c.add_data("data", _audit_creation_method= CIF.label("Lammps Interface v.%s"%(str(0)))) # sym block c.add_data("sym", _symmetry_space_group_name_H_M= CIF.label("P1")) c.add_data("sym", _symmetry_Int_Tables_number= CIF.label("1")) c.add_data("sym", _symmetry_cell_setting= CIF.label("triclinic")) # sym loop block c.add_data("sym_loop", _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz= CIF.label("'x, y, z'")) # cell block c.add_data("cell", _cell_length_a=CIF.cell_length_a(cell.a)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_length_b=CIF.cell_length_b(cell.b)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_length_c=CIF.cell_length_c(cell.c)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_angle_alpha=CIF.cell_angle_alpha(cell.alpha)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_angle_beta=CIF.cell_angle_beta(cell.beta)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_angle_gamma=CIF.cell_angle_gamma(cell.gamma)) # atom block element_counter = {} carts = [] for node, data in graph.nodes_iter2(data=True): label = "%s%i"%(data['element'], node) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_label= CIF.atom_site_label(label)) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_type_symbol= CIF.atom_site_type_symbol(data['element'])) try: c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_description= CIF.atom_site_description(data['force_field_type'])) except KeyError: c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_description= CIF.atom_site_description(data['element'])) coords = data['cartesian_coordinates'] carts.append(coords) fc =, coords) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_fract_x= CIF.atom_site_fract_x(fc[0])) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_fract_y= CIF.atom_site_fract_y(fc[1])) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_fract_z= CIF.atom_site_fract_z(fc[2])) try: c.add_data("atoms", _atom_type_partial_charge= CIF.atom_type_partial_charge(data['charge'])) except KeyError: c.add_data("atoms", _atom_type_partial_charge="0.0") # bond block # must re-sort them based on bond type (Mat Sudio) tosort = [(data['order'], (n1, n2, data)) for n1, n2, data in graph.edges_iter2(data=True)] for ord, (n1, n2, data) in sorted(tosort, key=lambda tup: tup[0]): try: type = CCDC_BOND_ORDERS[data['order']] except KeyError: # just assume single bond if not in CCDC_BOND_ORDERS dic type = "S" dist = data['length'] sym = data['symflag'] label1 = "%s%i"%(graph.node[n1]['element'], n1) label2 = "%s%i"%(graph.node[n2]['element'], n2) c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1= CIF.geom_bond_atom_site_label_1(label1)) c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2= CIF.geom_bond_atom_site_label_2(label2)) c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_distance= CIF.geom_bond_distance(dist)) c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2= CIF.geom_bond_site_symmetry_2(sym)) c.add_data("bonds", _ccdc_geom_bond_type= CIF.ccdc_geom_bond_type(type)) print('Output cif file written to %s.cif' file = open("%s.cif", "w") file.writelines(str(c)) file.close()
[docs]def write_PDB(graph, cell): """ Program to write pdb file from structure graph. Doing this because MS v. 6 doesn't do the CONECT lines correctly. """ pdbfile=open("%s.debug.pdb"%(, "w") # remark section pdbfile.writelines("%6s %3i PDB file created by Lammps intervace v.%i\n"%("REMARK", 1, 0)) pdbfile.writelines("%6s %3i Created on %s\n"%("REMARK",2,get_time())) # write crystallographic data pdbfile.writelines("%6s%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f %11s%4i\n"%( "CRYST1",cell.a, cell.b, cell.c, cell.alpha, cell.beta, cell.gamma,"P1",1)) conect_string = "" for node, d in graph.nodes(data=True): # nx2.1 # 55 - 60 - occupancy # 61 - 66 temperature factor # 77 - 78 element symbol (left justified) # 79 - 80 charge on atom. try: label = "%s"%(d['ciflabel']) except: label = "%i%s"%(node,d['element']) cart = d['cartesian_coordinates'] pdbfile.writelines("%-6s%5i %4s%1s%3s% 1s%3i%1s %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %2s%2s\n" %("ATOM", # 1 - 6: ATOM node, # 7 - 11: atom number label, # 13 - 16: atom name " ", # 17: alternate location id. ???? "MOL", # 18 - 20: residue name " ", # 22: chainId? 2, # 23 - 26: residue sequence number " ", # 27: code for insertion of residues cart[0], # 31 - 38: real 8.3 x cart[1], # 39 - 46: real 8.3 y cart[2], # 47 - 54: real 8.3 z 1.0, # 55 - 60: occupancy 0.0, # 61 - 66: temperature factor d['element'], # 77 - 78: element symbol (left justified) " ", # 79 - 80: charge on atom. )) # list bonded atoms, 4 per line. neighbs = sorted(graph.neighbors(node), reverse=True) remove = [] # delete connected atoms that cross periodic boundary, cause vis software for # pdb files suck. for idx,n in enumerate(neighbs): bonddata = graph.get_edge_data(node,n) if bonddata['symflag'] != '.': remove.append(idx) for i in sorted(remove, reverse=True): del neighbs[i] num_lines = math.ceil(len(neighbs)/4.) for i in range(num_lines): try: neighbour1 = "%5i"%(neighbs.pop()) except IndexError: neighbour1 = "%5s"%(" ") try: neighbour2 = "%5i"%(neighbs.pop()) except IndexError: neighbour2 = "%5s"%(" ") try: neighbour3 = "%5i"%(neighbs.pop()) except IndexError: neighbour3 = "%5s"%(" ") try: neighbour4 = "%5i"%(neighbs.pop()) except IndexError: neighbour4 = "%5s"%(" ") conect_string += "%6s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s\n"%( "CONECT", # 1 - 6: CONECT node, # 7 - 11: atom serial number neighbour1, # 12 - 16: serial number of bonded atom neighbour2, # 17 - 21: serial number of bonded atom neighbour3, # 22 - 26: serial number of bonded atom neighbour4, # 27 - 31: serial number of bonded atom ) pdbfile.writelines("%6s%5i\n"%("TER", graph.number_of_nodes() + 1)) pdbfile.writelines(conect_string) pdbfile.writelines("END") pdbfile.close() print('Output file written to %s.debug.pdb'
[docs]def write_RASPA_CIF(graph, cell,classifier=0): """ Same as debugging cif write routine except _atom_site_label is now equal to _atom_site_description b/c RASPA uses _atom_site_label as the type for assigning FF params """ c = CIF(name="%s_raspa" # data block c.add_data("data", c.add_data("data", _audit_creation_date= CIF.label(c.get_time())) c.add_data("data", _audit_creation_method= CIF.label("Lammps Interface v.%s"%(str(0)))) # sym block c.add_data("sym", _symmetry_space_group_name_H_M= CIF.label("P1")) c.add_data("sym", _symmetry_Int_Tables_number= CIF.label("1")) c.add_data("sym", _symmetry_cell_setting= CIF.label("triclinic")) # sym loop block c.add_data("sym_loop", _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz= CIF.label("'x, y, z'")) # cell block c.add_data("cell", _cell_length_a=CIF.cell_length_a(cell.a)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_length_b=CIF.cell_length_b(cell.b)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_length_c=CIF.cell_length_c(cell.c)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_angle_alpha=CIF.cell_angle_alpha(cell.alpha)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_angle_beta=CIF.cell_angle_beta(cell.beta)) c.add_data("cell", _cell_angle_gamma=CIF.cell_angle_gamma(cell.gamma)) # atom block element_counter = {} carts = [] # slight modification to make sure atoms printed out in same order as in data and original cif for node, data in sorted(graph.nodes_iter2(data=True)): label = "%s%i"%(data['element'], node) # sometimes we need to keep the original CIF label in the case # of slab geometries where charge symmetry is very reduced if(classifier==0): c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_label= CIF.atom_site_label(data['force_field_type'])) elif(classifier==1): c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_label= CIF.atom_site_label(data['ciflabel'])) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_type_symbol= CIF.atom_site_type_symbol(data['element'])) #c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_description= # CIF.atom_site_description(data['force_field_type'])) coords = data['cartesian_coordinates'] carts.append(coords) fc =, coords) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_fract_x= CIF.atom_site_fract_x(fc[0])) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_fract_y= CIF.atom_site_fract_y(fc[1])) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_fract_z= CIF.atom_site_fract_z(fc[2])) c.add_data("atoms", _atom_site_charge= CIF.atom_type_partial_charge(data['charge'])) # bond block # must re-sort them based on bond type (Mat Sudio) #tosort = [(data['order'], (n1, n2, data)) for n1, n2, data in graph.edges_iter2(data=True)] #for ord, (n1, n2, data) in sorted(tosort, key=lambda tup: tup[0]): # type = CCDC_BOND_ORDERS[data['order']] # dist = data['length'] # sym = data['symflag'] # label1 = "%s%i"%(graph.node[n1]['element'], n1) # label2 = "%s%i"%(graph.node[n2]['element'], n2) # c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1= # CIF.geom_bond_atom_site_label_1(label1)) # c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2= # CIF.geom_bond_atom_site_label_2(label2)) # c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_distance= # CIF.geom_bond_distance(dist)) # c.add_data("bonds", _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2= # CIF.geom_bond_site_symmetry_2(sym)) # c.add_data("bonds", _ccdc_geom_bond_type= # CIF.ccdc_geom_bond_type(type)) print('Output cif file written to %s.cif' file = open("%s.cif", "w") file.writelines(str(c)) file.close()
[docs]def write_RASPA_sim_files(lammps_sim,classifier=0): """ Write the RASPA pseudo_atoms.def file for this MOF All generic adsorbates info automatically included Additional framework atoms taken from lammps_interface anaylsis classifier = 0 -> UFF atom label is used for pseudo atoms classifier = 1 -> cif label is used for pseudo atoms (useful for interface/defect systems where symmetry of charge density is very reduced) """ MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS = [] MOF_FF_MIXING = [] data_list = [] max_image = 0 if(classifier == 0): for node, data in sorted(lammps_sim.unique_atom_types.items()): data['node']=node print(key) print(data) data_list.append(data) if(int(data['image']) > max_image): max_image = int(data['image']) #keys.append(lammps_sim.graph.node[n]['force_field_type']) elif(classifier == 1): for node, data in sorted(lammps_sim.graph.nodes_iter2(data=True)): data['node']=node print(node) print(data) data_list.append(data) if(int(data['image']) > max_image): max_image = int(data['image']) #keys.append(lammps_sim.graph.node[n]['force_field_type']) print(max_image) for i in range(len(data_list)): #ind = 0 ##for char in key: # # identify first non alphabetic character in string # if((ord(char) >= 65 and ord(char) <= 90) or (ord(char)>=97 and ord(char) <= 122)): # ind += 1 # else: # break #atmtype_ = key[:ind] #print(key,atmtype_) #print(atmtype_ in MASS) #print(atmtype_ in COVALENT_RADII) #print(key in UFF_DATA) if(data_list[i]['node']<max_image): element_ = data_list[i]['element'] fftype_ = data_list[i]['force_field_type'] try: if(classifier==0): type_spec_ = data_list[i]['force_field_type'] elif(classifier==1): type_spec_ = data_list[i]['ciflabel'] print_ = 'yes' as_ = element_ chem_ = element_ oxidation_ = '0' mass_ = str(MASS[element_]) charge_ = str(data_list[i]['charge']) polarization_ = '0.0' B_factor_ = '1.0' radii_ = str(COVALENT_RADII[element_]) connectivity_ = '0' anisotropic_ = '0' anisotropic_type_ = 'relative' tinker_type_ = '0' potential_ = 'lennard-jones' eps_ = str(UFF_DATA[fftype_][3]*500) sig_ = str(UFF_DATA[fftype_][2]*(2**(-1./6.))) except: print("%s %s not found!\n"%(element_, fftype_)) continue # finally, add strings to list for each RASPA file MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS.append([type_spec_, print_, as_,chem_, oxidation_,mass_, charge_, \ polarization_, B_factor_, radii_, connectivity_, \ anisotropic_, anisotropic_type_, tinker_type_]) MOF_FF_MIXING.append([type_spec_, potential_, eps_, sig_]) if(len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS) == 0): print("Error! No MOF atoms found. Exiting...") sys.exit() # Determine final column widths col_widths = [0 for i in range(len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS[0]))] for i in range(len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS[0])): # num columns max_width = 0 for j in range(len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS)): # num rows if(len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS[j][i]) > max_width): max_width = len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS[j][i]) col_widths[i] = max_width + 2 col_widths1 = [0 for i in range(len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS[0]))] for i in range(len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS[0])): # num columns max_width = 0 for j in range(len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS)): # num rows if(len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS[j][i]) > max_width): max_width = len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS[j][i]) col_widths1[i] = max_width + 2 col_widths_final = [max(col_widths[i], col_widths1[i]) for i in range(len(col_widths))] # Begin file writing f = open('pseudo_atoms.def','w') # write header num_psuedo_atoms =len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS) + len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS) GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS_HEADER[1] = str(num_psuedo_atoms) for line in GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS_HEADER: f.write("".join(word for word in line) +'\n') # write this MOFs pseudo atoms for i in range(len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS)): base_string = "" for j in range(len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS[0])): buff = "".join(" " for i in range(col_widths_final[j] - len(MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS[i][j]))) base_string += MOF_PSEUDO_ATOMS[i][j] base_string += buff f.write(base_string + '\n') # write the generic adsorbates for i in range(len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS)): base_string = "" for j in range(len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS[0])): buff = "".join(" " for i in range(col_widths_final[j] - len(GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS[i][j]))) base_string += GENERIC_PSEUDO_ATOMS[i][j] base_string += buff f.write(base_string + '\n') f.close() # Determine column widths for FF MIXING col_widths = [0 for i in range(len(MOF_FF_MIXING[0]))] for i in range(len(MOF_FF_MIXING[0])): # num columns max_width = 0 for j in range(len(MOF_FF_MIXING)): # num rows if(len(MOF_FF_MIXING[j][i]) > max_width): max_width = len(MOF_FF_MIXING[j][i]) col_widths[i] = max_width + 2 col_widths1 = [0 for i in range(len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING[0]))] for i in range(len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING[0])): # num columns max_width = 0 for j in range(len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING)): # num rows if(len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING[j][i]) > max_width): max_width = len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING[j][i]) col_widths1[i] = max_width + 2 col_widths_final = [max(col_widths[i], col_widths1[i]) for i in range(len(col_widths))] # write ff mixing file f = open('force_field_mixing_rules.def','w') # write header num_interactions = len(MOF_FF_MIXING) + len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING) GENERIC_FF_MIXING_HEADER[5] = str(num_interactions) for line in GENERIC_FF_MIXING_HEADER: f.write("".join(word for word in line) +'\n') # write this MOFs pseudo atoms for i in range(len(MOF_FF_MIXING)): base_string = "" for j in range(len(MOF_FF_MIXING[0])): buff = "".join(" " for i in range(col_widths_final[j] - len(MOF_FF_MIXING[i][j]))) base_string += MOF_FF_MIXING[i][j] base_string += buff f.write(base_string + '\n') # write the generic adsorbates for i in range(len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING)): base_string = "" for j in range(len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING[0])): buff = "".join(" " for i in range(col_widths_final[j] - len(GENERIC_FF_MIXING[i][j]))) base_string += GENERIC_FF_MIXING[i][j] base_string += buff f.write(base_string + '\n') for line in GENERIC_FF_MIXING_FOOTER: f.write("".join(word for word in line) +'\n') f.close()
[docs]class MDMC_config(object): """ Very sloppy for now but just doing the bare minimum to get this up and running for methane in flexible materials """
[docs] def __init__(self, lammps_sim): try: f = open("MDMC.config","r") except: self.initialized = False print("Warning! No MDMC.config file found. LAMMPS sim files will not have guest molecule info") return lines = f.readlines() outlines = "" for line in lines: parsed = line.strip().split() if(parsed[0] == "num_framework"): outlines += "num_framework\t%d\n"%(nx.number_of_nodes(lammps_sim.graph)) if(parsed[0] == "type_framework"): outlines += "type_framework\t%d\n"%(len(lammps_sim.unique_atom_types.keys())) if(parsed[0] == "type_guest"): self.type_guest = int(parsed[1]) outlines += "type_guest\t%d\n"%(self.type_guest) if(parsed[0] == "pair_coeff"): parsed[1] = str(len(lammps_sim.unique_atom_types.keys()) + self.type_guest) for word in parsed: outlines += word + " " outlines += "\n" if(parsed[0] == "mass_guest"): parsed[1] = str(len(lammps_sim.unique_atom_types.keys()) + self.type_guest) for word in parsed: outlines += word + " " outlines += "\n" f.close() f = open("MDMC.config", "w") f.write(outlines) f.close() return
[docs]class Cell(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self._cell = np.identity(3, dtype=np.float64) # cell parameters (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) self._params = (1., 1., 1., 90., 90., 90.) self._inverse = None
@property def volume(self): """Calculate cell volume a.bxc.""" b_cross_c = np.cross(self.cell[1], self.cell[2]) return[0], b_cross_c)
[docs] def get_cell(self): """Get the 3x3 vector cell representation.""" return self._cell
[docs] def get_cell_inverse(self): """Get the 3x3 vector cell representation.""" return self._inverse
[docs] def mod_to_UC(self, num): """ Retrun any fractional coordinate back into the unit cell """ if(hasattr(num,'__iter__')): for i in range(len(num)): if(num[i] < 0.0): num[i] = 1+math.fmod(num[i], 1.0) else: num[i] = math.fmod(num[i], 1.0) return num else: if(num < 0.0): num = math.fmod((num*(-1)), 1.0) else: num = math.fmod(num, 1.0)
[docs] def set_cell(self, value): """Set cell and params from the cell representation.""" # Class internally expects an array self._cell = np.array(value).reshape((3,3)) self.__mkparam() self.__mklammps() # remake cell so a in x, b in xy and c in xyz self.__mkcell() self._inverse = np.linalg.inv(self.cell.T)
# Property so that params are updated when cell is set cell = property(get_cell, set_cell)
[docs] def get_params(self): """Get the six parameter cell representation as a tuple.""" return tuple(self._params)
[docs] def set_params(self, value): """Set cell and params from the cell parameters.""" self._params = value self.__mkcell() self.__mklammps() self._inverse = np.linalg.inv(self.cell.T)
params = property(get_params, set_params)
[docs] def minimum_supercell(self, cutoff): """Calculate the smallest supercell with a half-cell width cutoff. Increment from smallest cell vector to largest. So the supercell is not considering the 'unit cell' for each cell dimension. """ a_cross_b = np.cross(self.cell[0], self.cell[1]) b_cross_c = np.cross(self.cell[1], self.cell[2]) c_cross_a = np.cross(self.cell[2], self.cell[0]) #volume =[0], b_cross_c) widths = [[0], b_cross_c) / np.linalg.norm(b_cross_c),[1], c_cross_a) / np.linalg.norm(c_cross_a),[2], a_cross_b) / np.linalg.norm(a_cross_b)] return tuple(int(math.ceil(2*cutoff/x)) for x in widths)
#diag = np.diag(self.cell) ##print(np.ceil(cutoff/diag*2.)) #return tuple(int(i) for i in np.ceil(cutoff/diag*2.))
[docs] def orthogonal_transformation(self): """Compute the transformation from the original unit cell to a supercell which has 90 degree angles between it's basis vectors. This is somewhat approximate, and the angles will not be EXACTLY 90 deg. """ absmat = np.abs(self._inverse.T) zero_tol = 0.01 # round all near - zero values to zero absmat[np.where(np.allclose(absmat, 0., atol=zero_tol))] = 0. divs = np.array([np.min(absmat[i, np.nonzero(absmat[i])]) for i in range(3)]) M = np.around(self._inverse.T / divs[:,None]) MN = M.copy() return MN
[docs] def update_supercell(self, tuple): self._cell = np.multiply(self._cell.T, tuple).T self.__mkparam() self.__mklammps() self._inverse = np.linalg.inv(self._cell.T)
@property def minimum_width(self): """The shortest perpendicular distance within the cell.""" a_cross_b = np.cross(self.cell[0], self.cell[1]) b_cross_c = np.cross(self.cell[1], self.cell[2]) c_cross_a = np.cross(self.cell[2], self.cell[0]) volume =[0], b_cross_c) return volume / min(np.linalg.norm(b_cross_c), np.linalg.norm(c_cross_a), np.linalg.norm(a_cross_b)) @property def inverse(self): """Inverted cell matrix for converting to fractional coordinates.""" try: if self._inverse is None: self._inverse = np.linalg.inv(self.cell.T) except AttributeError: self._inverse = np.linalg.inv(self.cell.T) return self._inverse @property def crystal_system(self): """Return the IUCr designation for the crystal system.""" #FIXME(tdaff): must be aligned with x to work if self.alpha == self.beta == self.gamma == 90: if self.a == self.b == self.c: return 'cubic' elif self.a == self.b or self.a == self.c or self.b == self.c: return 'tetragonal' else: return 'orthorhombic' elif self.alpha == self.beta == 90: if self.a == self.b and self.gamma == 120: return 'hexagonal' else: return 'monoclinic' elif self.alpha == self.gamma == 90: if self.a == self.c and self.beta == 120: return 'hexagonal' else: return 'monoclinic' elif self.beta == self.gamma == 90: if self.b == self.c and self.alpha == 120: return 'hexagonal' else: return 'monoclinic' elif self.a == self.b == self.c and self.alpha == self.beta == self.gamma: return 'trigonal' else: return 'triclinic' def __mkcell(self): """Update the cell representation to match the parameters.""" a_mag, b_mag, c_mag = self.params[:3] alpha, beta, gamma = [x * DEG2RAD for x in self.params[3:]] a_vec = np.array([a_mag, 0.0, 0.0]) b_vec = np.array([b_mag * np.cos(gamma), b_mag * np.sin(gamma), 0.0]) c_x = c_mag * np.cos(beta) c_y = c_mag * (np.cos(alpha) - np.cos(gamma) * np.cos(beta)) / np.sin(gamma) c_vec = np.array([c_x, c_y, (c_mag**2 - c_x**2 - c_y**2)**0.5]) self._cell = np.array([a_vec, b_vec, c_vec]) def __mkparam(self): """Update the parameters to match the cell.""" cell_a = np.sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in self.cell[0])) cell_b = np.sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in self.cell[1])) cell_c = np.sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in self.cell[2])) alpha = np.arccos(sum(self.cell[1, :] * self.cell[2, :]) / (cell_b * cell_c)) * 180 / np.pi beta = np.arccos(sum(self.cell[0, :] * self.cell[2, :]) / (cell_a * cell_c)) * 180 / np.pi gamma = np.arccos(sum(self.cell[0, :] * self.cell[1, :]) / (cell_a * cell_b)) * 180 / np.pi self._params = (cell_a, cell_b, cell_c, alpha, beta, gamma) def __mklammps(self): a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = self._params lx = a xy = b*math.cos(gamma*DEG2RAD) xz = c*math.cos(beta*DEG2RAD) ly = math.sqrt(b**2 - xy**2) yz = (b*c*math.cos(alpha*DEG2RAD) - xy*xz)/ly lz = math.sqrt(c**2 - xz**2 - yz**2) self._lammps = (lx, ly, lz, xy, xz, yz) @property def lx(self): return self._lammps[0] @property def ly(self): return self._lammps[1] @property def lz(self): return self._lammps[2] @property def xy(self): return self._lammps[3] @property def xz(self): return self._lammps[4] @property def yz(self): return self._lammps[5] @property def a(self): """Magnitude of cell a vector.""" return self.params[0] @property def b(self): """Magnitude of cell b vector.""" return self.params[1] @property def c(self): """Magnitude of cell c vector.""" return self.params[2] @property def alpha(self): """Cell angle alpha.""" return self.params[3] @property def beta(self): """Cell angle beta.""" return self.params[4] @property def gamma(self): """Cell angle gamma.""" return self.params[5]
[docs]def clean(name): name = os.path.split(name)[-1] if name.endswith('.cif'): name = name[:-4] return name